For the most part, we all know what we want it comes to porn. There might be some new things that come along that you discover that you like, that you add to your collection, but we usually have a general idea. Now, that isn’t to say that we don’t like variety. I know that I definitely do.
I just mean, if I were into being cuddled by giant men in gorilla suits, I probably would have figured it out by now. But, I also don’t necessarily want to jerk my meat to the same thirty second clip of bouncing tits every day from now until eternity.
This, my friends, is why we have search engines. And in the porn world, there are even sites that act just like google, but for all things porn. Check out this review of PornMD, which happens to my favorite, to see if this tool would be helpful for you in your search for all things cum worthy.