In the world of candid sites there are candids.. and then there are true candids. falls into the realm of the true candid sites. Complete. Uncut. Unadulterated. Uncanny. Candids!
When I look at the photo above I ask myself. Self, why didn’t you hold off a bit longer and knock this bitch up instead? She is fun. My babies momma isn’t fun. She looks good. Better than the blonde above, but she isn’t as fun. Not even by a long shot.
And once again, enough about me…
I have to admit. From the time I first started dating chicks in high school to the present I have taken close to 1,000 pictures of them in various stages of dress. Like a shit head I threw all of those pictures away. Shit, I even had a video of a chick masturbating to a mind blowing orgasm. All trashed. FUCK! Why didn’t I get with that blonde chick above? FUCK!
Of course back then we didn’t have the Internet. I could have been uploading all of that ex-girlfriend footage to Real GFs and coming back to it when ever my current woman is away. Well, you know what they say, hind sight is twenty-twenty.
So lets talk about the here and now. Right here and right now the Internet does exist. Right here and right now guys do upload pictures of their naked girlfriends. And, right here and right now guys also upload videos of themselves fucking their girlfriends and videos of their girlfriends masturbating!
OK, so I don’t get to look at my actual ex-girlfriends pics or videos. I am not going to get bitter about it because half of the schmucks uploading their own footage have ex-girlfriends that look remarkably similar to my own exes. Sweet!
I guess is really F’ing popular. It is one of the top 1000 web sites on the Internet. No shit! This guy updates sometimes twice a day, sometimes every other day, but always multiple updates a week. Trust me when I say there is never a dull moment and with so many updates archived you have a ton of exploring to do!
Time for me to go back inside. See you there!