It has been about twenty years since I had two girls going down on me at the same time in person. I enjoyed that experience. It is hard to find girls that want to do this the older you get. So if you are still young make sure you pursue it now. Also, when you do shack up with some cum slut make sure she is bisexual so can keep the good times going long into your marriage. You might even find that she is willing to do it all over again once the kids move out.
To see hot girls kissing and doing my bidding I use Live Webcam Babes. I usually find them ready to make out for me on Web Cam Club. I joined the site for free a long time ago and now they keep sending me free credits trying to get me to buy more. What they don’t know is that I enjoy seeing lesbians kiss so those six credits they keep sending me are plenty enough to get what I want out of a cam show.
if you are more into hardcore stuff you can take the credits and add them onto a longer show. There are girls willing to do just about anything on there.