If you want to hookup more online, let me dispense with the bullshit. It has nothing to do with how much money you have in the bank. It has nothing to do with how closely you resembled Brad Pitt or George Clooney. It has nothing to do with how big your equipment is. Stop thinking about those things. Focus instead on one key important ingredient. If you don’t have this then there’s no hope for you. What ingredient is this? It’s very simple: online self-confidence.
I want you to repeat that after me: online self-confidence. Now, you might be wondering to yourself "What the hell does online self-confidence have to do with self- confidence?" Actually, everything.
You see, on the Internet, you can be a completely different person, see for yourself. In fact, people can assume totally different personas and this gives them a tremendous amount of power as far as self-confidence goes. You don’t have this in the real world. When you’re dealing with somebody on a face-to-face basis and you’re seeing each other on an eyeball level, all sorts of bullshit come to the surface as all sorts of signals that people mistake and all of the sudden it’s too easy to become uncomfortable.
You can be the most confident person on the planet and it may seem that you have your shit together, but in front of the right women you fall apart. You turn into a quivering pile of shit. You don’t want that to happen. This is why you need to master the art of online self-confidence. The best thing about it is that online dating is done behind the screen so you don’t have to worry whether if she thinks that you have a funny voice. You don’t have to worry whether she thinks that you have weird mannerisms, not to wonder and obsess about that small bullshit.
Instead, focus on the signals you’re sending out and be as deliberate and purposeful about them. By the same token, be as clear as possible regarding the signals that you are getting. Make sure that your reading of those signals are accurate. If you master this and you would be able to get people to feel comfortable around you on an almost automatic basis. This is how you get women eating from the palm of your hands. This is what separates boys from pimps.